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The Tailored Case
A PowerPoint presentation to the CASE District 1 Conference in Quebec and the AISNE conference. It explores the advantages of incorporating on-demand and personalized digital printing methods into campaign case statement production. Note the new model for a campaign gift pyramid.

The Tailored Case: Resource List
The presentation resource list includes online links, books, magazines, educational offerings and other resources to help you develop and produce on-demand publications. Best viewed with Netscape

A list of typical fund-raising communications vehicles with commentary on their best use. The final section includes thoughts on new directions in development communications.

There are many philanthropy and fund-raising Web links. Start with these:
Association of Fundraising Professionals,
Council for Advancement and Support of Education,

R. Gordon Talley
Philanthropic Communication
25 Magazine Street
Cambridge, MA 02139-3960


All information on this site Copyright 2006 R. Gordon Talley unless otherwise noted.